Today we (Nathan, Rick, Justin, Kelly, and Me) traveled up North to Yanacancha Baja church. This church was created by Monte Sion but a few years later, the church had lost their Pastor and their members. Monte Sion had discovered this in June and sent out a crew to re-establish the lost church. One local man stepped up and took on the responsibility to get the church back and running again. That day (June 27th, 2010) there were about 6 members attending. Today, God has blessed this church, and there were 12 adults and 14 children!!! A full 2 hour worship with Sunday School.
Kelly Tucker found a local market around to corner from the church and we experienced a "local Peru-Mart". Products included various ranges from yarn and toys to....racks of meat hanging up. The group purchased a soccer ball and wooden tops to distribute to the kids after Sunday School. We enjoyed playing duck duck goose and simon says with them. We did ,however, wish that we could have planned it better and brought VBS materials for the kids. Something to remember for the next trip!!
Upon travelling back down to Villa Milagro, we stopped to a familiar "Gold Mine" location. Of course, we had search for gold in the creek. Words can not describe how beautiful this place is.
Later that day, Larry Johnson took us on a tour to Downtown Cajamarca and the Banos Del Inca. It was Nathan's first visit to Peru and it was awesome to see his facial expressions. Again, this country is so beautiful that it almost takes your breathe away - wait, that is the altitude. But seriously, you have a true realty check on how well American's in the US have it and how much we take it for granted.
Prayer Needs: We found out that Omar's (boy we found during June-July clinic visit whom has a brain tumor) Parents have refused to allow Omar to be re-evaluated by us and even having surgery to save his life. They rejected because of fears of taking their child to America.
Marty Mote has been sick all day. We are about 98% sure that it is altitude sickness. He is coming around but hasn't had much of an appetite.
I will be travelling back home tomorrow and arrive Tuesday morning by myself. Please pray that I will have a safe travel and make it from plane to plane on time!! Mostly, pray for Justin as he will be worried for me.
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