Wednesday, October 13, 2010

We made it!

Yes, we finally made it - tired but here and ready!
Travelling went smoothly. Marty kept Justin and I entertained.

We arrived in Cajamarca around 6 am. Selso and Nancy (Villa Milagro's finest) were waiting with Smiles. They took us to Villa Milagro where we ate breakfast. After breakfast we went straight up to our rooms and received well needed rest.
After rest, we ate again!! Lunch was, as always, wonderful and fulfilling. After lunch, Selso took us to the Monte Sion Clinic where he showed us what the work was that needed to be done. Marty and Justin took measurements and we started in on our first day of Construction.
First they had to create the lumber (2x's, etc) to build. They looked like they had a great time learning from each other and from Julio (Villa Milagro's woodwork expert).

After dinner, the three of us did our devotional. Matthew 25:14, The Parable of the Talents; 3 men with talents. Two men did wonders with their talents and the Master labeled them as "faithful servants" but the 3rd man did nothing with his talent and was labeled as a "worthless servant".

In this parable, Talents is a currency. But a God given gift is a Talent...weird, huh?
We should be multiplying our Talents for the Kingdom of God (currency and gifts).


  1. Hey guys! Glad to hear that you made it there fine. Hope that you have gotten some good sleep and of course, some good food. Wish I could clap my heels and be there with you right now.....I can almost feel the brisk air if I close my eyes. Let us know of any specific prayer needs that come up; otherwise know that Robert and I are praying for you.

  2. The second group is leaving on the 15th so it is not too late to join them!! So start clicking those heels!
